My therapeutic style is based on process-oriented psychology. I try to connect different areas of life, such as relationship problems, physical symptoms or recurring night dreams, and finding the red threads of a story that emerges. Process-oriented psychology perceives what bothers us in life and disturbs us as a potential source of enrichment if we choose to seek a deeper meaning in it.

Konflikty ve vztazích, zdravotní potíže, opakující se vzorce chování či sny – to jsou impulzy ke změně, k celistvějšímu a plnějšímu životu. Budeme zkoumat nejen to, co se nám životě nedaří, ale i oblasti, ze kterých můžeme čerpat energii a posílit se na další cestu.


My therapeutic style is based on the Person Centered Approcah. I try to explore perceptively what life puts in front of us. Often, I believe, the solutions are already there – within us. I approach every issue as a practical challenge, but also as an opportunity for personal growth. I also bear in mind the spiritual dimension building on my ongoing interest in Eastern and European spiritual traditions.

I strive in the session to make sure we step out of the usual train of thought. That we look behind the scenes of the present moment, do a deeper dive and get in touch with ourselves. To explore thoroughly and perhaps confront questions unasked or unpleasant.